


Thank you for considering making a donation.  100% of all money received will go to support the people in Medor, a community in rural Haiti, and is tax deductible in the United States.  The cost of this website is completely underwritten by a donor, ensuring that all donations received as a result of this site directly support the people of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

If you wish to make a donation, you can do so either online by clicking the icon above (which will take you to the Our Lady Queen of Peace website) or by sending a check to:

Our Lady Queen of Peace
(“” should be written in the memo section of the check)
2700 South 19th Street
Arlington, VA 22204

The Haiti Ministry of Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Catholic Church in Arlington, VA facilitates and supports a linkage between OLQP and its sister parish, St. Joseph’s in Medor.  Consistent with OLQP’s long standing commitment to social justice, the Haiti Ministry broadens understanding of the global church through relationships and work with the people of Medor.

Since 1997, The Haiti Committee has undertaken the following work in Medor:

  • building a new church, a primary and a secondary school
  • establishing a school library
  • capping several springs and building latrines in an ongoing clean water project
  • providing medical clinics and distributing medicine and eye glasses to hundreds
  • providing a school lunch for the 1,100 school children (for some, this is their main meal of the day)

The Committee’s work continues with additional projects planned for the near future. To learn more about the Haiti Ministry’s work in Medor, please visit:

Their Facebook Page

Dr. Sue Carlson’s Blog

Their Latest Video


Thank you for sharing your treasure with a cause that Fr. Healy would certainly endorse!