
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Originally delivered on October 8, 1989
Readings: Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2, 2-4; Paul to Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14; Luke 17:5-10

In today’s Gospel we hear of the importance of faith and confidence in God.  The message in today’s liturgy is powerful and burdensome: the God in whom we believe, does not intervene in this world, but He gives us the strength for each of us to act to make the world a more just place.  Fr. Healy cites several examples of individuals that worked to address issues of homelessness, AIDS, and sexism. We are called to do the same, but not for reward, but because faith is its own reward.


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Originally delivered on March 26, 1989

In this homily, Fr. Healy tells us stories from past Easters, including many about his mother, and the lessons that he learned from those experiences.  He reminds us that our laughter lifts us and that we might do well to take ourselves a little less seriously.  We are the people called by God to bring joy and laughter to a weeping world.