Site Info

This site was developed and managed by Frank Finamore, a parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Peace during and after the time that Fr. Healy served as pastor.  Moved by what he heard in the pews and a memory of speaking with Fr. Healy about his desire to catalog the taped homilies, Frank conceived of the idea of organizing the homilies and putting them online to achieve greater access to the now historical, but somehow timeless homilies. For questions or comments, you can reach Frank Finamore directly at

This effort would not have been possible with the support of the following people.  Many thanks go to them for their support and hard work.

Sr. Mary Healy – Provided immense moral support, found previously “lost” tapes, and gave permission for posting of the homilies.
Pat Dowd – Tirelessly transcribed all of the homilies.
Tom Kenefake – Who had the foresight to and diligently taped all of Fr. Healy’s homilies each week for many years.
Christina Kozyn – Provided ongoing support (over many years), photos, and coordination with the Haiti Committee.
Holy Ghost Fathers (Fr. Leonard Tuzzolo; Fr. Jeff Duaime; Fr. Tim Hickey) — all of whom provided support for the project.
Dr. Sue Carlson and the OLQP Haiti Committee – Supporting the project, readily agreeing to accept donations,  and using them to better the lives of the people from Medor, Haiti through an incredible list of impressive and needed projects and services.