Kingdom of God

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Readings: Ezekial 17: 22-24; Corinthians 5:6-10; Mark 4: 26-34

Originally delivered on June 16, 1991

In this week’s homily, Fr. Healy tells us a bit about his time teaching high school in Chicago and his time at a conference of the Holy Ghost Fathers. We are invited to remember that God is the source of all life and that His will shall be done with us or in spite of us.  The Kingdom of God is being achieved in our midst. We’re further invited to remember those that have gone before us in the fight for the realization of the Kingdom of God here on Earth and to feel their fear.  Let us gain hope in that our voices of dissent might be heard. We must also trust that God will see to our future.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Originally delivered on July 25, 1993

Readings: Kings 3:5, 7-12; Romans 8: 28-30; Matthew 13:44-52 or 13:44-46

In this Gospel, we hear the parables about the Kingdom of God.  Specifically we hear about the treasure buried in the field and the man who sold all that he had to buy the field.  We are challenged to see ourselves as the treasures that God so cherishes.  Perhaps we’ve been led to believe that only the great leaders, priests, or others in high positions are treasures.  But in this homily, Fr. Healy invites us to see the important role that each of us plays in carrying out God’s plan.

Christ the King

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Originally delivered on November 20, 1994

Readings: Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 1:5-8; John 18:33-37

At the end of this liturgical year, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  We are reminded that Jesus is Lord and King of Kings so that everything that we do must be in harmony with Christ’s Kingdom.  Fr. Healy reminds us that any form of government, such as a monarchy, is only meant to help organize people in order to enable each individual person to live and use God’s unique gifts in a way that benefits the Kingdom.  He tells us that Jesus was very clear in today’s Gospel when he said, “My kingdom does not belong to this world.”  We must not exaggerate some over others and should look to how Jesus lived when we determine how to live today.  And yet, we live in a society where many injustices exist in governments and within the church.  We are called to work to call out those injustices to help bring us closer to God’s Kingdom.